We all age, but the way we experience it is unique to each individual. How fun would it be if we have the fortune of becoming really old, but stay as young as possible? Because aging is a gift, but you can slow down the results of the aging process. At B-One, our mission is to help you stay vital throughout your entire life. With a strong and healthy body, you can maintain your independence and continue doing the things you love and enjoy. Strength training and healthy habits support our sense of happiness. That’s why, together with our partners, we are organizing various workshops on June 23rd to inspire you to lead a longer, healthier, and happier life.
During this event, you’ll get tips from various experts on what factors affect how quickly or slowly your body ages. From exercise to makeup to life goals, it all affects how you feel and what you look like. If not now, then when?
You are warmly welcome on Friday, June 23rd, at the private studio of B-One in Amsterdam Oud-Zuid (Stadionplein 25). The doors will open at 16:00, and you can drop by without an appointment, whether you come alone or with someone. We will provide snacks and drinks, and even though we are a gym, feel free to come dressed casually.
However, it would be nice if you would sign up using the form below so that we have an overview as to the number of snacks and drinks.
Discover how to nurture your inner beauty and youthful energy. Age is just a number, and we will show you that life has only just begun. In various inspiring workshops, experts will share valuable insights, as well as practical tips and secrets to help you lead a happy and vibrant life. From skincare to physical exercise, from nutritional advice to mindset training.
You can attend these inspiring workshops:
An AAYA lifestyle doctor and assistant will be performing cholesterol measurements and explain the importance of this. They also provide information about the impact of a healthy lifestyle on aging healthily and staying fit, and they are available to answer any questions related to menopause. AAYA’s cosmetic doctor is present for questions about skincare and treatments aimed at authentic aging.
AAYA is the clinic for personalized lifestyle physics and premium cosmetic care, with the aim of helping clients become strong and beautiful at eighty.
What do we do? For instance: if you don’t feel physically well or if you look in the mirror and think, “Hmm, that doesn’t match with how I feel.” Our AAYA team helps you be yourself, both on the inside (health) and the outside (cosmetic).
At AAYA, we love to see you Amazing As You Are!
At B-One, we believe in a different approach to personal training. Because exercising means taking good care of yourself. It goes far beyond just spending time in the gym. For us, it is important that you also become aware of your lifestyle outside the gym. Understanding why you do certain things and how your choices and motivations are influenced.
Here we will really put you to work. Discover through different body assessments which exercises best suit your body and goals.
How is your mobility? Do you experience a certain imbalance in your body? We are happy to help you discover the aspects you need to work on to make your body stronger.
Ageless beauty masterclass
Always wanted to know which Ageless makeup suits your face best? With over 25 years of experience as an international hair and makeup artist for various celebrities, TV, and magazines, as well as being a beauty expert and author of the Ageless 50+ beauty guide, I will teach you in simple steps how to become the best version of yourself. Because you can be beautiful at any age.
Carmen Zomers has over 25 years of international experience as a hair and makeup artist, beauty expert for magazines, TV, and celebrities. As the author of the “Ageless 50+ Beauty Guide,” she shares her weekly 50+ beauty tips and tricks in various publications. In addition, Carmen is a holistic coach, Reiki practitioner, and the founder of the 50+ lifestyle platform www.agelessbycarmen.com.
With her keen insights into psychology and natural clairvoyance, Ashkaine supports numerous professionals and VIPs on their journey to excellence and well-being. Ashkaine has a successful practice in Amsterdam and Ibiza and works internationally with clients in a one-on-one setting or small groups. Her vision is that the idea of seeking validation outside of ourselves keeps us trapped in a sense of incompleteness. Her mission is to support her clients in their journey to inner truth, love and a lighter, more health conscious life full of fun and inner peace.
Today, you have the opportunity to get to know Ashkaine Hora Adema, a therapist for couples and individuals. Clients who work with Ashkaine are seeking self-knowledge and inspiration to lead a fulfilling life.
Ashkaine is ready to answer all your questions about your situation or the challenges you are facing.
A beautiful and healthy skin is a matter of balance, which can only be achieved by restoring harmony between the mind and the skin. A skin specialist from Babassu will let you experience this through the latest Aromatherapy Associates touch. For Aromatherapy Associates, skincare is not just something functional but also a new form of self-care. Learn to discover the new skincare collection of Aromatherapy Associates by smelling, feeling, and experiencing it firsthand.
In 1998, Babassu opened its first boutique in Leiden. Now, there are multiple boutiques throughout the Netherlands. At Babassu, it’s all about you, with the best beauty treatments and professional advice. Our renowned healthy aging treatments help you bring out the best in yourself. Dive into the world of Babassu and discover exquisite cosmetic brands, delightful products, and unique finds. Visit us for a treatment, perfume, or a beautiful gift, and indulge yourself: “You’re always in for a treat!”
Will we see you on June 23rd? You can drop by from 16:00 onwards, and we welcome you with a delicious drink. The doors close at 19:00. Please let us know via the form below whether you will be attending and if you would like to bring someone along.
Our services