Their stories

Stories and pictures

We are proud of all of our clients. They all have their own journey to vitality. Losing weight, building strength, quit smoking, find balance in life, staying fit during pregnancy… Together we have already achieved so many amazing results. Have a look and let our clients tell you their stories.

Progress Mark | B-One Personal Training

In 2016 my partner gave me a “10 rittenkaart” for my 45th birthday. I am not a sporty person, in fact I do not like physical exercise at all. Although I used to go on an irregular basis to the gym, I completely stopped going a few years back. Hence my partner’s birthday present.

This is where I first met Bas. Without judgement and never using the words ‘you must’ or ‘you cannot’, I immediately had a good feeling about the approach B-One adopts in helping its clientele to reach their objectives. Although B-One offers a complete package of exercising combined with diet programs I told Bas I wanted to get fitter and loose weight but was not interested in a diet nor in achieving the perfect body. This was no problem – Bas made me feel welcome and his enthusiasm convinced me to start my journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Bas’s enthusiasm, no-nonsense attitude and genuine interest in my wellbeing (combined with my lack of discipline) led me to the decision to start going twice a week from June. Since February, without a diet program, I have lost 12 kilos. Still Bas has never told me I ‘cannot’ or ‘must’, yet I drink a lot less coffee (and now only black without sugar and milk) and have changed my eating habits, amongst others by cutting down on the snacking and no more two hot meals a day. The biggest benefit is that mentally I also feel a lot fitter and my energy levels have risen far beyond my expectations.

In summary, from someone who hates the gym, I am now happy to go training and my week does not feel complete if I have not exercised. I would recommend B-One to everyone but particularly to people like myself who are not happy with their physical state of being and who need the extra push to convince them they can enjoy sporting.

Thank you Bas for your devotion and positive attitude, and sorry that I screamed I HATE YOU so many times.

Tony | B-One Personal Training

After a few months of not having a regular exercise program, I decided that it was time to return to the gym. The first week of the New Year, 2022, I was ready to get back to work so I Googled for a personal trainer in Amsterdam. After meeting with the owner and some of the trainers at B-One, I decided that this was the place that fitted my need the best. What I like the most is that I can work with any of the personal trainers. They are all familiar with my programs.

I had a few physical issues, but because of their training they immediately went to work with me in correcting the problems. After several months, I feel stronger mentally and physically fit. They addressed the physical complaints. The proof, my endurance of each session has increased. I can see the positive changes in my body and my attitude. AND I am having fun.

Progress Dirk | B-One Personal Training

Their personal training and guidance is GREAT, I have taken real steps here in the development of my body that I would not have thought possible. So if you’ve been training for years and you think you’ve reached the top…. make an appointment! ENJOY!

Xanthe | B-One Personal Training

As the partner of Bas, I am of course a bit biased about B-One. I see all the hard work, time and energy he puts into his team and his clients – always striving to be better than yesterday. I am a model, and I have to be in shape and on top of my game all the time. I tried out so many different diets, sports programs and personal training studios, but at B-One I found my holy grail. A combination of weight training, core and stamina exercises with a tailor-made nutrition program. Thanks to B-One found my balance between staying in shape and enjoying life, by understanding how the body works. A lifetime investment. 

Hans | B-One Personal Training

A few years ago I came across B-One (by that time known as Slim Living) and started my personal training traject. We started with a clear plan to work on great results. It’s a nice combination of personal training, having an own training schedule and specific nutritional advice. In this way I have lost 15 kilos, without losing muscle. The training sessions can be robust, but always with the desired result first under the professional guidance of your own coach. All this in a nice relaxed atmosphere. Hard work combined with fun and good conversations.

Progress M. | B-One Personal Training

Do you often (day) dream about a fitter body? I didn’t want to stop at dreaming and started with personal training at B-One Amsterdam! This has been the best decision ever!

The trainers put you at ease, know what they are doing and work with you on your goals. As a result, I lost 25 kilos and many cm’s in 9 months and I now know how to maintain a healthier lifestyle. In addition, I have become much more energetic and mentally stronger. I am very grateful to the trainers and recommend it to everyone!

Joan | B-One Personal Training

4.5 months of training at B-One Training! In addition to making me feel very fit again, my trainer has also paid careful attention to my back. I still had a lot of trouble with a hernia (even after a hernia operation) and my trainer mainly focused on all the muscles around it. After about 3/4 months of training, that back pain is now completely gone (again: thank you)! I would recommend B-One Training to anyone. All trainers are very friendly, sociable and listen carefully to the goals you want to achieve!

Progress Robbert | B-One Personal Training

I really wanted to have a good body, but to train really hard for it… well… I didn’t really like that idea. Until I met Bas (founder B-One), someone who has so much love for helping and training other people. My primary goal was weight loss, but also to have a healthier lifestyle.

Bas showed me the joy of sports, for which I am very grateful. Now, 12 weeks later, I have made enormous progress. I’m comfortable in my own skin and I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror 😉 Thanks Bas! But we’re not done yet 🙂

Ash | B-One Personal Training

I am a real health freak, and believe a healthy lifestyle is key to happiness. We often underestimate the importance of health, and the essential need for good food, sleep and movement to support our system to function at its best.

It can be a lack of knowledge or sabotaging habits that prevent us from feeling good and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Training is a big part of it. Being healthy means being independent. Being independent is the best present you can give to yourself and your loved ones.

Timon | B-One Personal Training

Great combination of a good workout and having fun. I have a great relationship with my trainer, which makes it so much easier to go to the gym. I wanted to gain muscles, without becoming too bulky. It’s an ongoing process, but step-by-step I see results. And now not only do I see results, I also keep them and stay on track when my life gets busier or when I have to travel more.

Me and my partner have been training at B-One (formerly known as Slim Living) for some years now and we really enjoy it! Having personal training at the same gym makes it much easier for us to implement their advices in our daily lives.

Progress Mark | B-One Personal Training

In 2016 my partner gave me a “10 rittenkaart” for my 45th birthday. I am not a sporty person, in fact I do not like physical exercise at all. Although I used to go on an irregular basis to the gym, I completely stopped going a few years back. Hence my partner’s birthday present.

This is where I first met Bas. Without judgement and never using the words ‘you must’ or ‘you cannot’, I immediately had a good feeling about the approach B-One adopts in helping its clientele to reach their objectives. Although B-One offers a complete package of exercising combined with diet programs I told Bas I wanted to get fitter and loose weight but was not interested in a diet nor in achieving the perfect body. This was no problem – Bas made me feel welcome and his enthusiasm convinced me to start my journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Bas’s enthusiasm, no-nonsense attitude and genuine interest in my wellbeing (combined with my lack of discipline) led me to the decision to start going twice a week from June. Since February, without a diet program, I have lost 12 kilos. Still Bas has never told me I ‘cannot’ or ‘must’, yet I drink a lot less coffee (and now only black without sugar and milk) and have changed my eating habits, amongst others by cutting down on the snacking and no more two hot meals a day. The biggest benefit is that mentally I also feel a lot fitter and my energy levels have risen far beyond my expectations.

In summary, from someone who hates the gym, I am now happy to go training and my week does not feel complete if I have not exercised. I would recommend B-One to everyone but particularly to people like myself who are not happy with their physical state of being and who need the extra push to convince them they can enjoy sporting.

Thank you Bas for your devotion and positive attitude, and sorry that I screamed I HATE YOU so many times.

Tony | B-One Personal Training

After a few months of not having a regular exercise program, I decided that it was time to return to the gym. The first week of the New Year, 2022, I was ready to get back to work so I Googled for a personal trainer in Amsterdam. After meeting with the owner and some of the trainers at B-One, I decided that this was the place that fitted my need the best. What I like the most is that I can work with any of the personal trainers. They are all familiar with my programs.

I had a few physical issues, but because of their training they immediately went to work with me in correcting the problems. After several months, I feel stronger mentally and physically fit. They addressed the physical complaints. The proof, my endurance of each session has increased. I can see the positive changes in my body and my attitude. AND I am having fun.

Progress Dirk | B-One Personal Training

Their personal training and guidance is GREAT, I have taken real steps here in the development of my body that I would not have thought possible. So if you’ve been training for years and you think you’ve reached the top…. make an appointment! ENJOY!

Xanthe | B-One Personal Training

As the partner of Bas, I am of course a bit biased about B-One. I see all the hard work, time and energy he puts into his team and his clients – always striving to be better than yesterday. I am a model, and I have to be in shape and on top of my game all the time. I tried out so many different diets, sports programs and personal training studios, but at B-One I found my holy grail. A combination of weight training, core and stamina exercises with a tailor-made nutrition program. Thanks to B-One found my balance between staying in shape and enjoying life, by understanding how the body works. A lifetime investment. 

Hans | B-One Personal Training

A few years ago I came across B-One (by that time known as Slim Living) and started my personal training traject. We started with a clear plan to work on great results. It’s a nice combination of personal training, having an own training schedule and specific nutritional advice. In this way I have lost 15 kilos, without losing muscle. The training sessions can be robust, but always with the desired result first under the professional guidance of your own coach. All this in a nice relaxed atmosphere. Hard work combined with fun and good conversations.

Progress M. | B-One Personal Training

Do you often (day) dream about a fitter body? I didn’t want to stop at dreaming and started with personal training at B-One Amsterdam! This has been the best decision ever!

The trainers put you at ease, know what they are doing and work with you on your goals. As a result, I lost 25 kilos and many cm’s in 9 months and I now know how to maintain a healthier lifestyle. In addition, I have become much more energetic and mentally stronger. I am very grateful to the trainers and recommend it to everyone!

Joan | B-One Personal Training

4.5 months of training at B-One Training! In addition to making me feel very fit again, my trainer has also paid careful attention to my back. I still had a lot of trouble with a hernia (even after a hernia operation) and my trainer mainly focused on all the muscles around it. After about 3/4 months of training, that back pain is now completely gone (again: thank you)! I would recommend B-One Training to anyone. All trainers are very friendly, sociable and listen carefully to the goals you want to achieve!

Progress Robbert | B-One Personal Training

I really wanted to have a good body, but to train really hard for it… well… I didn’t really like that idea. Until I met Bas (founder B-One), someone who has so much love for helping and training other people. My primary goal was weight loss, but also to have a healthier lifestyle.

Bas showed me the joy of sports, for which I am very grateful. Now, 12 weeks later, I have made enormous progress. I’m comfortable in my own skin and I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror 😉 Thanks Bas! But we’re not done yet 🙂

Ash | B-One Personal Training

I am a real health freak, and believe a healthy lifestyle is key to happiness. We often underestimate the importance of health, and the essential need for good food, sleep and movement to support our system to function at its best.

It can be a lack of knowledge or sabotaging habits that prevent us from feeling good and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Training is a big part of it. Being healthy means being independent. Being independent is the best present you can give to yourself and your loved ones.

Timon | B-One Personal Training

Great combination of a good workout and having fun. I have a great relationship with my trainer, which makes it so much easier to go to the gym. I wanted to gain muscles, without becoming too bulky. It’s an ongoing process, but step-by-step I see results. And now not only do I see results, I also keep them and stay on track when my life gets busier or when I have to travel more.

Me and my partner have been training at B-One (formerly known as Slim Living) for some years now and we really enjoy it! Having personal training at the same gym makes it much easier for us to implement their advices in our daily lives.

Let's get started!

We want to offer you tryout before making any decision. Together with one of our professional trainers you can discuss what package fits your schedule and goals.