‘Thanks to B-One, I no longer skip my workouts’
Storm Story has been training at B-One since August 2022. Thanks to the excellent guidance, structured schedules, and consistent training sessions, he no longer skips a workout. “My workouts are now like my work appointments: I don’t cancel them.” Anyone who has trained alone knows the temptation to skip workouts can be strong. It’s raining, […]
‘Training at B-One feels like coming home’
Luuk Melisse has been training at B-One since November 2022. He wants to work on himself in a safe and challenging environment. “Every time I step into B-One’s studio, I feel like I’m coming home.” Luuk is active in the sports world and trains many people himself. However, he felt that no one helped him […]
Running and strength training with Apolline Lambert #ClientCorner
Apolline has been training at B-One Personal Training for about a year and a half. Although already very sporty, having done team sports in her childhood and a love for running, her initial goal was to learn how to do strength training and become stronger. During the time she has been training with us, she […]
How to survive the holidays as a vegan: #TrainerTalk with Sebastian
How to survive the holidays as a vegan? This month we are talking to our trainer Sebastian about his vegan lifestyle. What does he eat and what tips does he has for us to keep December under control? Tell us: What do you eat on a day? Sebastian: I do intermittent fasting: I eat in […]
Wim Hof Method
Cold? Naaaah, we can now overcome coldness with our minds. In November all the Slim Living trainers and some brave clients went to a Wim Hof Method workshop. We challenged ourselves to do as many push ups as we could without breathing, we challenged ourselves to go deeper into ourselves and our meaning of life […]
Intermittent fasting, wat is het en hoe werkt het?
Af en toe even helemaal niets eten blijkt hartstikke goed te zijn voor je gezondheid. We horen je denken: wat? Toch is er steeds meer bewijs voor dat tijdelijk vasten, intermittent fasting genoemd, een positief effect heeft op zowel lijf als geest. Het is een makkelijk principe dat een bewezen positief effect heeft op de algehele […]
Calorieën verbranden met seks? Met deze tips ga je er voor!
Seks standjes als work-out? Dat een reguliere vrijpartij goed doet voor je lijf wist je waarschijnlijk al wel. En calorieën verbranden met seks? Met de juiste standjes kan de vetverbranding aardig wat omhoog worden geschroefd. Maar met deze (s)exercise bereik je het beste van beide werelden. Personal trainer en Slim Living eigenaar Bas van Beest […]